Azure Cloud Institute in Hyderabad

Azure Cloud Institute in Hyderabad

Course Overview: 

Hi, Coss Cloud Solutions Technologies offers you, Microsoft Azure Administration Associate training  course is aimed to train you about managing your Azure subscription, configuring virtual  networking, backing up and sharing data through the virtual network, implementing  storage solution, managing the traffic that comes through the network, creating virtual  machines, implementing Azure Active Directory, securing identities and monitoring your  solution. Microsoft Azure is a cloud-based platform for testing, deploying, building and  managing applications and services through Microsoft managed the data-centre. Azure’s  cloud adoption framework provides the customers with a set of tools, guidance, and  narratives that help them to shape the technology and business in a way they need to  accelerate the business outcome.  

Microsoft Azure Administrator’s course content is built up in a way so that it can take you  through the details of the impact of Microsoft Azure on the cloud services. Microsoft  Azure introduces your cloud environment to tools like threat intelligence, advanced threat  analytics, Azure information protection and multifactor authorization. It helps you to take  charge of your customer data by collecting, using and distributing them on your own.  With the help of datacentre spread all over the world, Azure provides high availability  along with redundancy. And on the top of everything, Microsoft Azure is cost effective as  well. For all these reasons, organizations are giving preference to Microsoft Azure more  than any other cloud vendors now a days. Hence, Microsoft certified Azure Administrators  are heavily demanded across the industries. Our Microsoft Azure course is designed to  shape you as one of them.  

Key Features: 

Concise course content to fulfil your requirements  

Hands on experience with Microsoft Azure  

Classroom and online trainings on weekends/weekdays

▪ Free practice tests 

Course Curriculum: 

Microsoft Azure certification’s course curriculum is to deliver these following:  

A deep understanding of each service.  

An understanding of the full IT Life Cycle.  

A skill of taking end-user requests for the new cloud applications  Ability to make recommendations for new services  

An excellent skill to communicate and coordinate with vendors.  An ability to use Azure portal, PowerShell and Command-line interface  

Learning Objectives 

After the completion of this course, the participants will have:  

Deep understanding of each service.  

An understanding of the full IT Life-cycle.  

Skills of taking end-user requests for the new cloud applications.  Ability to make recommendations for new services.  

Excellent skill to communicate and coordinate with vendors.  Ability to use Azure portal, PowerShell and Command-line interface 

Hands-on Labs: 

Deploy and Manage Virtual Machines  

Virtual Machines and Scale Sets  

Implement and Manage Storage  

Configure Azure DNS  

VNet Peering and Service Chaining 

▪Network Watcher 

Azure Site Recovery Between Regions  

Load Balancer and Traffic Manager  

Implement Directory Synchronization  

Azure AD Identity Protection  

Self-Service Password Reset  

Role-Based Access Control  

Governance and Compliance  

File Sync  

Course Topics 

Module 1: Azure Administration 

In this module, you’ll learn about to tooling Azure Administrator uses to manage their  infrastructure. This includes the Azure Portal, Cloud Shell, Azure PowerShell, CLI, Resource  Manager, and Resource Manager Templates. The demonstrations in this module will  ensure you are successful in the course labs.  


Azure Portal and Cloud Shell  

Azure PowerShell and CLI  

Resource Manager  

ARM Templates  

Module 2: Azure Virtual Machines 

In this module, you’ll learn about Azure virtual machines including planning, creating,  availability and extensions.  


Virtual Machine Planning  

Creating Virtual Machines  

Virtual Machine Availability  

Virtual Machine Extensions

Lab : Deploy and Manage Virtual Machines 

Lab : Virtual Machines and Scale Sets 

Module 3: Azure Storage 

In this module, you’ll learn about basic storage features including storage accounts, blob  storage, Azure files, and storage security.  


Storage Accounts  

Azure Blobs  

Azure Files  

Storage Security  

Lab : Implement and Manage Storage 

Module 4: Virtual Networking 

In this module, you’ll learn about basic virtual networking concepts like virtual networks,  IP addressing, Azure DNS, and network security groups.


Virtual Networks  

IP Addressing and Endpoints 

Azure DNS  

Network Security Groups 

Lab : Configure Azure DNS 

Module 5: Intersite Connectivity 

In this module, you’ll learn about intersite connectivity features including VNet Peering,  VNet-to-VNet connections, Site-to-Site Connections, and ExpressRoute.  


VNet Peering  

VNet-to-VNet Connections  

ExpressRoute Connections  

Lab : VNet Peering and Service Chaining 

Module 6: Monitoring 

In this module, you’ll learn about monitoring your Azure infrastructure including Azure  Monitor, alerting, log analytics, and Network Watcher.  


Azure Monitor  

Azure Alerts  

Log Analytics  

Network Watcher  

Lab : Network Watcher

Module 7: Data Protection 

In this module, you’ll learn about data replication strategies, backing up files and folders,  and virtual machine backups.  


Data Replication  

File and Folder Backups  

Virtual Machine Backups  

Lab : Azure Site Recovery Between Regions 

Module 8: Network Traffic Management 

In this module, you’ll learn about network traffic strategies including service endpoints,  network routing, Azure Load Balancer, and Azure Traffic Manager  


Network Routing  

Azure Load Balancer  

Azure Traffic Manager  

Lab : Load Balancer and Traffic Manager 

Module 9: Azure Active Directory 

In this module, you’ll learn about Azure Active Directory (AD) including Azure AD Connect  and Azure AD Join. 


Azure Active Directory  

Azure AD Connect  

Azure AD Join  

Lab : Implement Directory Synchronization 

Module 10: Securing Identities 

In this module, you’ll learn how to secure identities including Multi-Factor Authentication,  Azure AD Identity Protection, and Self-Service Password Reset.  


Multi-Factor Authentication  

Azure AD Identity Protection  

Self-Service Password Reset  

Lab : Azure AD Identity Protection 

Lab : Self-Service Password Reset 

Module 11: Governance and Compliance 

In this module, you’ll learn about managing your subscriptions and accounts including  role-based access control, users and groups, and Azure policy.  


Subscriptions and Accounts 

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)  

Users and Groups  

Azure Policy  

Lab : Role-Based Access Control 

Lab : Governance and Compliance 

Module 12: Data Services 

In this module, you’ll learn how to effectively share data using Import and Export service,  Data Box, Content Delivery Network, and File Sync.  


Content Delivery Network File Sync  

Import and Export Service  

Data Box  

Lab : File Sync 



If you have a clear understanding of virtual networking, network configuration, firewalls,  and encryption technologies, you should definitely take up this Microsoft Azure training  right away. No Coding Required. 

Nowadays a lot of organizations are switching to the Microsoft Azure platform since it  works as SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS altogether. Once you take up this Microsoft Azure ourse, it  will give you an upper hand in front of your current employer or the future ones.

Pre Requisites: 

No prerequisites are required as such. Although, basic cloud computing knowledge is  required.  

How much does it cost? 

The standard cost for Microsoft Cloud Administration Training Rs. ….per participant.  

We keep coming with exciting discounts for our participants. You can drop an inquiry and  one of our executives will get back to you ASAP  

;Key Benefits 

You will get to learn the basics of Microsoft Azure  

This course is vendor-neutral  

You will be well versed about virtual networking skills and its implementation  through Microsoft Azure  

Your career will accelerate in no time  

This certification will be key for you to uncover an entire world of networking which  is yet unexplored  

Certification & Exam Format 

o This new exam combines the skills covered in AZ-100 and AZ-101 (which retired  on May 1, 2019), with the majority of the new exam coming from AZ-100.  o Cost of global certification exam (Microsoft AZ-103) is included with the course o 100% passing assurance – You will pass the exam in first attempt. Otherwise, we  will pay your re-exam fees 

o Number of Questions: 40-60 o Length: days Training Session o Delivery method:  Classroom o Level: Intermediat  

raining Delivery Style: 

This Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate AZ-103 Certification focuses on experiential  learning. The material of this course is divided into 60-90 minutes of interactive sessions.  

Not only this, if you are participating, expect yourself to get indulged with interesting  group activities. By this, you will get a chance to put the theory into action.  

This training will be nothing like any ordinary training you imagine. We follow a vast range  of creative methodology which will allow you to wrack your grey matter and boost your  energy up to participate.  

The key features of our training program would be: 

Training sessions in a storytelling format  

Exhibition of concepts with the help of professional examples  

Self-analysis and group discussions  

Case studies as the application of the concepts which were taught  Vibrant presentations along with individual and team activities  

Post-training reading suggestions  

Training Faculty 

Microsoft Azure training will be delivered by our accredited trainers using customized  tailored training material. 

o We pick the best ones to train for this particular batch. They have experience of  12+ years in the industry. They’re currently working with top MNCs on Microsoft  Azure and training aspiring virtual networking experts like you as a freelancer in  Coss Cloud Solutions technologies.  

o They’ve been into the training industry for more than 7 years and have trained  more than 6000 IT professionals.